Daniel Eisen 21st June 2022

It was a lot of fun to work for you and work with you over the years. Martin was kind and generous; you don't say that often about a Scotsman! You know what, Martin didn't always get it right with the jokes, but he did the vast majority of the time and the people loved working for him. The workplace would have been so dull if he conformed to not saying anything in case someone somewhere might get offended. I loved joking with Martin as he liked the same type of comedy that I did. I remember once at Christmas Lunch, one of the other managers telling about a programme on Channel 4 (of course) where couples would go into a large box and have sex; they would then come out and talk about the experience with the presenter. Martin looked at me and completely deadpan said with a sigh "Whatever happened to 'Dixon of Dock Green', eh?" I just collapsed on the table laughing. It honestly was a privilege to know Martin, and honestly I don't know who I will now text when Spurs put one over Man City, as Martin was the only City fan I know. For that matter he was the only Man City fan anyone ever knew. Miss you, Sir.