Martin Watters! I have tried to write this several times and failed (No! It’s not because I’m terrified you’ll attack my grammar, composition and spelling 😅). We met in 2007 and dear god! I must of been at the bottom of the barrel you were scraping when looking for a head of exposure management 😂, but for some reason you even assisted me when I went wrong in one of the technical answers (I swear it was “Coz I Iz Bleck” 🤭. You believed in me when so many didn’t and when I left your team for “greener pastures” you gave me your blessing. No matter what was going on in your life, you took it on the chin and puckered up ! (2008, ABN RBS merger, Divorce, Pubs too crowded)…..😂 A man of great character, wit, empathy and sympathy - a fantastic leader and a great friend! You met my son (one of the only things I’ve got right in my life) and he thought you were pretty cool and tall. Even though I left your team in 2009 we stayed in touch, our catch ups at Dirty Dicks was always a great time. Through the toughest of times you remained a constant, you encouraged and were a great source of counsel, you never Judged, and your advice always came from the most genuine place. We were meant to go golfing as soon as you were back from holidays (after thus bloody COVID) make the countrt club uncomfortable as id come in my tradinal ugandan outfit 😜, and then this???😢 I’m heart broken but none so more broken than your amazing family and partner Jacqui. (she is a keeper would be my words to you🥰). You were happy and just starting (what I know you would hate me to call it) your twilight years. Full of Zest, New Man Cave and a desire to explore the world and enjoy your kids, Jacqui and friends. I wish I had taken you to Uganda, just one round of golf and a beer, is all. There is so much to say and I’ve tried to say some. More than ever, I want to tell my people I love them before it’s too late. I know I told you “I love you, you fantastic human” (but I was probably 2-3 doubles of whisky in) 😎you’d call me a soppy git 😝 and buy me a shot. “come on Mukasa!” You’d say on a Friday picking us up for a team drink after a long week. I’d try to pretend to say “I need to work a bit more, got all these things to finish” (trying to impress you) - your response? “Mate, I’m going for a couple of drinks, be there or be square” 😇. I am going to miss you so much, for as long as your family want me, I will always be there Im in touch with Jacqui and would love to meet your kids. Watters! Find me a decent whisky and hold it till it’s my turn, keep me a stool and if we have to work where you are, get me a job preferably in you your team “FOCM” forever! Rest in Power, Rest In Peace and Thank You you are always loved and never ever forgotten. ❤️